Monthnotes 31 Jan 2025

2025 has begun. It's been a relatively uneventful month, so nothing overly exciting to report. So I'll just get to the basics.

House Progress

We have the start of some walls. This is our downstairs. On top of this will be our living room and primary bedroom, so there's a bit more to build up. We were told today that maybe in March, they'll start building up the frame of the entire house. We'll see how things look then.


  • Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F I finally caught up with on Netflix. The best compliment I can give it is that it felt like a Beverly Hills Cop film. Funny, dumb, and felt like it belonged in that character's world.
  • Porcelain War is a documentary about some artists/soldiers in Ukraine. Turned out to be more about the war than the art they create, but still an educational and personal reflection of the struggle going on there right now.
The animals on their boat, in the animated film, Flow
  • Flow is an animated film that won best animated feature recently at the Golden Globe awards. I like that it won because it does feel fresh both with the animation and story. This one where you lean back and just experience it.
  • Wolf Man was a bit of a different take on the Universal wolf man of olden days. I enjoyed it for what it was.
  • Flight Risk was entertaining. Won't win any awards, but was a fun.
  • Jimmy Carter: Rock & Roll President showed a side of Jimmy Carter I wasn't aware of before. How he used music, and musician friends, in his campaign for presidency and to bring people together.
  • Diane Warren: Relentless is another documentary, I guess it's documentary month. Diane Warren is a song writer, and you've definitely heard her songs. She's a character, for sure. A fascinating insight into someone who wants to write the songs, rather than perform them.