Our Journey from Rails v1 to v5

Our Journey from Rails v1 to v5

This is not a *how-to* post. There are plenty of those out there targeted at migrating from whatever version you are on to whatever the next version for you happens to be. This *is* highlighting our application as an example of one that has successfully been upgraded over time.

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Exciting work at a Boring-Sounding Place

Exciting work at a Boring-Sounding Place

When I say I work at Power Home Remodeling, most people automatically think of people installing roofs and windows. Their first thought isn't tech. And if they think about computers at all, it's generally around scheduling installations and maybe even ordering product and the logistics of getting it to a home. We do a lot more than just that using technologies most businesses don't even bother with. And there's a tremendous outlook for taking advantage of new technologies we're just beginnin…

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