Other than the Thanksgiving holidays here in Sedona, just another normal update.
Updated movies and stuff plus BoardGameGeekCon 2022.
Had my eight wedding anniversary and mostly talk about how disappointed I was with the At Home version of Fantastic Fest.
I'm a dedicated fan of the film, The FP. Here's more about it and why I think it's a special film series
One thing I didn't mention from my Utah trip is that I accidentally left my garage door opener in the rental car. Didn't realize that until we got back home. Fortunately, I was able to instruct my Tesla to open the garage door as we also had not taken any house keys with us either. I was able to have them grab it and get it mailed back to me, so at least I don't have to tell our landlords that we lost it and have to deal with that mess. Movies * Samaritan is…