I'm a few days late for this past week's notes.
This week had me primarily on the defensive. It started with a QA database server which was mysteriously much, much slower than it had been just last weekend and before.
I won't go into details, but it turns out to have been a domino effect started by some seemingly innocent testing which triggered a process that had not been run in a very long time in our QA environment. And it had a lot to catch up on.
iati theater

Way back in 2010 I worked with Rebecca Pollack on a site for iati theater, a bi-lingual Latin theater company. They very infrequently ask for changes and they wanted to simplify a number of pages in their site.
They are an awesome group and I'm always happy to assist. I really enjoyed working on the website and love getting to check it out from time to time with my brief glimpses behind-the-scenes. I really have to see if I can time out a visit to NYC during one of their shows.
This past week I saw a couple of flicks with my wife.
The first was McQueen, about the life of fashion designer Alexander McQueen. While I'd heard of him and seen a number of his fashions on red carpets and on Lady Gaga, I didn't know much more about him. Now I know he was pretty much a master tailor by the time he was twenty. And I definitely appreciate his take on fashion shows. He felt attendees should go away having felt some kind of emotion whether that was to love it, or despise it. His shows where basically art pieces under the guise of fashion.
The second film of the week was A Star is Born, the new one with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. I did end up enjoying it. Mostly for the music and some of the scenes I thought Cooper handled well as a first time director.
Didn't have any time at all for games this week. I'll have to rectify that next week!
Top photo credit: Hans-Peter Gauster